
Wednesday, 29 February 2012

Update 29.2.12

So if any of you don't know, i'm in year 11 still doing my GCSE's. I have exams coming up, i have a maths resit next wednesday and because of this i have to do 3 lessons of maths on friday. I want to do good in this unit but i'm just not good a algebra. I also have a geography resit and i don't even know when that is but i don't think its in the next month. And then i have the rest of exams that are coming for unit 3. So many lessons i have to do homework for, revise and just be organised. I think its all too much. Your probably thinking i'm just a moaning teenager but i think we have to much on our plates. I have 9 different lessons which are english, maths, science, r.e(which i don't see why we HAVE to take it as a GCSE because i'm not bothered about other people's religions and i don't agree with them) p.e, media, business, geography and electronics. I just think its far to much, i think we should have about 5 or 6 lessons so then we can concentrate more on them because schoo, causes a lot of stress. And as we are teenagers i think we should still have time to actually grow up, i feel we're forced to grow up. It's unfair. But yeah, rant over.


  1. Hello I really like your blog so far :) I'm doing as levels at the moment it's 4 subjects but it's ridiculously hard. Year 11 is the best year once exams are over you get the longest summer and it's all revision, anyways good luck :D

    1. thank you, and year year 11 is hard but yeah hopefully it will be better after exams are over ! and thanks again !:)
